Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to our most asked questions including what you should wear on Soccer Island, information about inclement weather and more.

Where can my child play Soccer Shots?

Soccer Shots is held on site at childcare centers, preschools, and in after school sessions at schools. We all run at open to the public locations like public parks. Our childcare and preschool sessions are only open to families that attend that location.

What type of equipment will my child need to play?

None! We provide everything for a fun, successful session. Your child just needs to wear weather and activity appropriate clothing. Cleats and shin guards are not needed at our ages.

Can I have a Soccer Shots start at a park or location near me?

Yes! We are happy to play at a location more convenient to you. The easiest way is to get 8 children (friends, families, parent group, etc) who would like to play, and suggest a location. We're happy to help walk you through ideas! Contact us at

What can I expect from a Soccer Shots session?

Our weekly, 30-45 minute sessions (age dependent) focus on basic soccer skilss like dribbling, passing, and shooting. Through fun games and positive reinforcement, children will begin to experience the joy of being active and playing soccer! We also highlight a positive trait each session such as respect, teamwork, and appreciation.

How do I know if Soccer Shots is cancelled due to inclement weather?

We attempt to make those decisions at-least 45 minutes before a session is set to start, and send a text to the phone number on the account, while also posting to social media. While this is the trickiest part of Soccer Shots being in the Northeast, we do our best.

What happens if a session is cancelled due to inclement weather?

If a session is cancelled we have UP TO 2 sessions built into every permit, so we can make up to 2 sessions at the end of the season. We send out an email confirming the added session and new end date of the season.

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